Articles and Presentations

Tips For Back-To-School Anxiety (August 2021) Your Health Magazine Tips For Back-To-School Anxiety

Identifying Learning Disabilities (April 2021)
Your Health Magazine
Identifying Learning Disorders by Dr. Cardwell

4 Tips for Overcoming Social Anxiety (March 2021)
Your Health Magazine 4 Tips for Overcoming Social Anxiety by Dr. Cardwell

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (December 2020) Your Health Magazine
Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder by Dr. Cardwell

Tips to Avoid the Holiday Blues (November 2020)
Your Health Magazine Tips to Avoid the Holiday Blues by Dr. Cardwell

10 Mental Health Quarantine Tips by Dr. Cardwell (October 2020) 
Your Health Magazine  
10 Mental Health Quarantine Tips by Dr. Cardwell

Understanding ADHD by Dr. Cardwell (April 2020)  Your Health Magazine   Understanding ADHD by Dr. Cardwell

The Power of Play by Dr. Cardwell (March 2020)  Your Health Magazine  The Power of Play by Dr. Cardwell

An Introduction to Therapeutic Work with Preschoolers: Clinical Considerations and Treatment Approaches for Young Children and their Caregivers by Dr. Cardwell (November 2019) Presented at the 2019 VCA Convention sponsored by the Virginia Counselors Association. Therapeutic Work with Preschoolers

Understanding Psychological Evaluations: How Psychological Testing Benefits in Creating a Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Children and Adults with ADHD and Co-occurring Conditions by Dr. Cardwell (October 2019)  Presented at the 2019 CHADD/NAMI ADHD & Mental Health Resource Fair.   Understanding Psychological Evaluations

How to meet the unique emotional and developmental needs of foster children by Dr. Cardwell and Dr. Steingraber (2008)  Presented at the Stand and Celebrate 2008 Conference sponsored by Wyoming Department of Family Services

Inattention, Hyperactivity, Impulsivity?  Is it ADHD or Something Else? by Dr. Cardwell and Dr. Faulkner (2007)  Presented at the Wyoming Early Childhood Association Conference.

Treating the Untreatable: The Training Case of Mr. X, an Individual with Profound Mental Retardation and Life-threatening Behaviors by Dr. Cardwell (2007)  Presented at the Wyoming Psychological Association Mid-Year Conference.

Contact Dr. Jessica Cardwell

Dr. Jessica Cardwell's Mailing Address




9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:30 am-12:00 pm



